Water Meter Vaults

Our vaults are produced per ASTM C-858 specifications, and are designed per ASTM C-857 specifications.


Our joints are sealed with butyl rubber sealant which meet ASTM C-990.


Steel reinforced Copolymer Polypropylene steps meeting ASTM C-478, ASTM D-4101, ASTM A-615 and AASHTO M-199 are typically installed in our storm drain manholes. Various types of steps may be ordered to fit the requirements for specific applications.

Pipe Openings

Wall sleeves are available to be cast into the structure. Flexible Pipe to Manhole Connectors meet ASTM C-923 specifications. Water Stop Grouting Rings Meet ASTM C-923 Specifications, Section 4 "Materials and Manufacture" and are available for field installation by others.


Both foreign and domestic castings are available for our vaults.


Hatches are available to be cast into our vaults.


Aluminum ladders are available to be installed into our vaults.